Find out the estimated cost of auto glass repair or auto glass replacement.

Our certified auto glass technicians are ready to help you with all your auto glass repair and auto glass replacement needs.

  • We’ll even come directly to you and complete the repair onsite at your home or place of business. Once we arrive, we can usually complete the work within an hour.
  • We service the entire Chandler area and surrounding areas. From Tempe to Gilbert and Mesa to Sun Lakes. No matter where you are, our free mobile service is one call away.
  • No matter where you are in Chandler, you can make an auto glass appointment as soon as 24 hours in advance.

“They were on time, patient with our need to reschedule, and provided great information when working with our insurance company. We were very happy to work with them and would recommend them to anyone.”  — Karen A.

Why Choose Blue Chip Auto Glass?

  • Our Chandler-based auto glass repair installers have National Glass Association (NGA) and Sika Urethane certifications.
  • We accept all auto insurance and will even help with the claims reporting process.
  • If you prefer, you can make a personal payment and don’t even bother with the insurance company.
  • Our Guarantee: We use the best materials and follow industry guidelines. If after your auto glass replacement you find any defect in the glass or problems with our installation (water leak or air noise, etc.), contact us. We’ll correct the problem immediately.
  • Our experienced auto glass technicians work with all makes and models, both foreign and domestic. That means any car, RV, or fleet vehicle is in good care with us.